DIY Gifts For Christmas

It is just a few more weeks till Christmas and without a regular salary, this holiday season will be a little different from last year's celebration.  But this is not the first time that our family will have a simple Christmas...we experienced this in the late 70's when my brother had his accident and we were financially drained. However, just like then, we will not be any less festive or joyous because the essence of Christmas is love...and we have plenty of that to give around and to share.  We will be putting up our Christmas decorations starting tomorrow and our Advent wreath will be ready too. The only thing we will be missing out on is the requisite gift-giving...which is really unessential and can be dispensed with in relation to the true meaning of Christmas.  Besides, our family practice is to give each other meaningful tokens on special occasions...nothing big but something that is well thought of and not given for giving's sake.  For needs, they can get these anytime and when I was earning...even their wants too, if I had the budget for what can you give them that they don't already have? 

Still, gift-giving has it's merits since gifts have a role in showing appreciation and gratitude. I have some really good friends who must be remembered this Christmas if only to thank them for the love and support they continue to give me and my family.  For them, I decided to make...crocheted glass coaster cozies.

I can do 2 of these cozies in one day, so more or less, I can have about 50 pieces to give away...what do you thinK?  Would my friends like it?

I also have these difficult to find albums like The Gypsy Kings  and Carole King In Concert that I know my friends would like to have copies of :)  In fact, some have already put their names on the list.

And so, this is my DIY gift project for Christmas and I will update this blog with the finished products.  Wish me luck!


  1. I think those cozies will make excellent gifts! Simple, handmade giftables are always appreciated because of the thought and effort you put into it. Thanks for joining Colorful Weekend, Doc! Aha, a first for you! Hope to see you at the weekly parties. :D

  2. Cozies are love. I'm sure the recipients will love the handmade effort. I remember making those in our school project in grade school. Gosh, it's been a while since I last held a crochet hook and knitting needles. I still have projects left to finish.

  3. @May...I like your parties :))

    @Gene, thanks! Please drop by again or if you like, please follow me :) BTW, I like your site...ou have a cute and very young family, TC!

  4. Yes they will like that and you are creative...Visiting from colorful weekend.

  5. That is so sweet.. Like the colorful coaster you made..

    Visiting for CW! Hope you can visit mine too..

  6. Crocheted glass coaster it! Very artistic and for sure its your own handmade thing.

  7. We're giving away pastillas this year.

  8. This would be more meaningful gifts for Christmas as it has a personal touch.

  9. I tried making gifts last year. But I still ended up enjoying the art of retail shopping. Haha!

  10. Your friends will appreciate your gift especially when they know that you have made them yourself. Its been a long time since I've done any crocheting because of school but I still remember my aunts who used to spend all afternoon crocheting and producing wonderful creations while they exchange stories.

  11. Good stuff, will wait for the updates! I like giving hand-written cards and notes to friends and family on special occasions. I find them to be much more thoughtful!

    - jsncruz

  12. I see that this post was dated 2011.. how did your friends find your DIY Christmas gifts last year? :)

  13. Now you gave me an idea to do some crocheting on my vacation leave next month! Doing it yourself is more cheaper, all you just need is creativity and patience. Hehehe!

  14. those crocheted coasters are cool... :) your friends will definitely love them especially if you pick their favorite colour. Also, if you still have time, you can add some silver bling blings or beads, right? I would love to learn crocheting. :)

  15. definitely! this would be a great gifts for my friends this coming Christmas. i think im going to start saving money for the gifts im going to buy this Christmas.

  16. Cool gifts! For me, I like receiving gifts that are personally done. I think of the effort given to do it.

  17. Personalized home-made gifts really rocks! ^_^

  18. This one "Labor of Love" that is worth giving to those people who matters to you like your loved ones. They will surely appreciate these DIY projects.


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