How I Cope With Stress

My life was basically stress-free when I was a kid. I can't explain it but nothing much bothered me. Perhaps it's because I am open and accepting and pragmatic, up till now. It was during my late 20's that I  had to face and deal with major life changing events and crisis that would come one after the other. Burn-outs started in my 30's brought about by pressures and challenges at work. But even then, difficult and stressful though it was, I would come out still smiling.  Someone told me once that it is hard to feel sorry for me since I always look happy.  How do I do it?

Well, it's not a secret formula or anything like that.  Like most people I have a coping mechanism but unlike some, mine is a very expensive one. While some people eat when they are stressed, I would go shopping.  I never consciously thought about it but now I know that stress is probably the main reason why I got into credit card debt (which eventually added more stress), because in the past and until recently, my stress buster was to buy something I don't need but want. Of course, I don't shop impulsively anymore now that I am out of work (meaning no money for my shopping mania). Another coping mechanism I developed more recently is going on-line either blogging, facebooking, networking, doing research etc.  The internet saves me from boredom and stagnation.

But one of my more positive way of handling my stresses is volunteerism.  I like helping out in social action, pastoral work and medical missions. Helping others also made me realize that there are always other people who have bigger problems than I have. Oftentimes my issues are nothing compared to those I come in contact with.  In the last 6 years, that I have been active as a trainor-facilitator in the Diocesan Lay Formation Center (DLFC) of the Diocese of Bacolod, I have learned a lot about faith, spirituality, community, relationships and life in general, not just from my fellow volunteers and our spiritual adviser but from our participants as well.  My involvement with the DLFC especially our mini-retreats has helped improve and strengthen my prayer life.  Through prayer I have learned to place all my trust in the One who holds eternity in His Hands. That above all is what gives me a proper perspective of my life, allows me peace of mind and makes me able to show a happy face. 

                  "What is impossible to men is possible to God."
                                                                   Luke 18:27


  1. Hi! Very nice post! I can absolutely relate to all that you've mentioned here. Nothing can cheer me more than shopping and when finances is short, going-online is enough to pass the day by. If still at my lowest ebb.. prayer does the magic. Indeed, our faith in Him sustains our strenght.

    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Beng, nice to know there are kindred spirits out there.

  2. My life has been very stressful too since I was a teen. The struggles and hardships...everything. No I can say I can control my emotions towards the stressful things around me. Prayer is the best weapon. Shopping, Internet, and just hanging out go next.


    1. haha, I love it when someone agrees with 78 yr old mom thinks I spend too much time online. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. De-stress shopping should be charge to the cause of stress. Having a positive outlook is another way to cope with stress in a way that it keeps you calm even when your chips are down.

  4. so true, Franc. I learned my lesson the hard way. I never really thought about it that way because I never imagined I would lose my job. Now, I only shop when I need to :)

  5. so indeed true that prayers should be with everyone as it totally helps our weary hearts and souls. be positive always and look at the big picture of the future! xx

  6. I agree, one of the best stress busters ~ prayer. Spending time alone meditating and then praying. "What is impossible to men is possible to God." (Luke 18:27 ). Again I agree!

  7. Hi Ms. Maritel! Your post is very helpful and informative. I hope you could also divide this into two or more paragraphs so it's more convenient to read. Been reading your posts, and they're just in one paragraph. The thing is, when you write/type on Microsoft Word and paste it on blogger, it automatically changes the paragraph. I hope you don't get me wrong, just helping. ^^

    1. suggestion is well taken, Robbie. thanks!

  8. I like the way you think Ms. Maritel.. I used to be in that stage too (minus the debt) whenever I get stressed out from my then office job. But now that I work at home, all I do is eat and go online. Eating has become my stress buster, but I know that I would have to end this unhealthy fix soon.

  9. As we go through life that's when we go through stress as well maybe because we are more involved with the things around rather than being carefree when we are much younger.

    I agree, prayer is the best coping mechanism but don't forget that as human being there should always be something that we need to do as well.

  10. Whenever I'm stressed... I eat a LOT! Eating has been therapeutical to me ever since... and I also pray.

  11. At least you now have other things to focus your attention to, Ms Maritel. Blogging is one of the many things that can really divert your attention. :)

    Hope you'll feel better soon.

  12. I agree, we all have our own anti-stress strategies but most of all, prayer is the most effective. It relaxes our mind, heart and soul. Indeed, prayer is the ultimate solution to stress and problems.

  13. I cope by spending time with my love ones.

  14. STRESS is the number cause of being SICK
    in mind and body. My MOM just went to the doctor
    because she has several "SINGAW" in her mouth.
    And they are recurring. The physician said that it may
    be caused by stress. When we are stressed out...
    our anti bodies get WEAK giving way for BACTERIAS and
    VIRUSES to act more strongly and they attack our immune system.

  15. Everybody wants to be a child again...and surely not because they want to play. It is because children are problems, stress-free. As we become more learned and more aware about life, we are so vulnerable to simple sources of, finances, relationships, work, etc.and so even if we try our very best to avoid getting stress, the more we expose ourselves to invite one.

    In my case..since i don't get rid of them..i just have to learn how to live with them...They are there so be it..but i won;t get too consumed by it.


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