Bukal Ng Tipan- Learning About Community

When my mom and I were informed that the Diocesan Lay Formation Center (DLFC) will hold a training for its facilitators and some graduates to be conducted by Bukal Ng Tipan, we did not hesitate to sign up. I have been a volunteer of the Diocesan Lay Formation Program from it's very beginning and it has been an exciting journey for me.  Yes, I was a facilitator but I have also gotten a lot of insights from our participants which I never would have learned anywhere else.  Still,  I felt that after 7 years of the DLFC, it was time for us to be re-energized.  I have heard good stories from our staff who took a few of Bukal's courses and so, I was looking forward to the 3-day live-out facilitators' training even though it was going to be on a weekend (which included Mother's Day).

It was not really a "training" per se, but a retreat-seminar for formators on Basic Ecclesistic Communities (BSC), and Bukal Ng Tipan did not disappoint.   The two and a half days (we ended after lunch in time for some Mother's Day celebration) was an eye-opener, very uplifting and yes, it gave us that much needed energy boost and inspiration to continue our pastoral work. I especially liked the role-playing exercises, which is surprising since I am not much of an actor.  Maybe because everything was so practical and real that it was easy to do the exercises. I have been a diocesan volunteer for the past few years but now I am looking forward to applying what we learned in my own parish.


I learned so much about "possibilities", about how the word of God can help bring the neighborhood/community together, and much more.  This training will not only help me in my church work, where I hope to make a difference in bringing about BEC's that will function as a communion of communities, but in my general outlook of life.  Thank you Fr. Mark, Stella, Ading and Noel for a well-spent weekend and to Fr. Nitz, our DLFC head who made this possible. Till next time.

If you are interested in Bukal Ng Tipan's programs, please visit their website: http://bukalngtipan.com/


  1. Nice to know that such programs are being conducted. Keep it up guys!

  2. it's really nice to attend gatherings like this once in awhile aside from the regular sunday mass. It makes us remember God's words and to live by it.

  3. i believe so that god can create a big impact to everyone to be at peace I'm a member of iglesia ni cristo and it dies bring people together in a huge way!! amen to everyone xx

  4. The Church is a possible way to bring the members of the community together.

  5. Praise God for the activity...

  6. I miss special activities like this as much as I miss retreats and recollections. I know how helpful and useful this training is especially when you have a mission to reach out others through good works and charity.

  7. It's been a while since I have attended a retreat or formation. This reminds me that I need to go into some form of spiritual retreat myself to renew and get recharged.

  8. same here I miss retreats and recollections.. ganda ng bonding moments mo with your mom.. makes me miss home much!

  9. and how to bring together a family also. I used to go on retreats also but haven't got the time to go out so I do it at home and spend my time alone with God.

  10. whenever i miss church something happens unexpectedly. and everytime i go to church, i always feel inspired and satisfied. if i join events like this, i'd receive more for sure. love to join one of these days

  11. We used to have BUKLURAN in our
    neighborhood but when the couple
    who is in-charged with the activity
    both suffered from illness and the
    wife passed away... it suddenly stopped.

  12. Somewhat, I missed attending gathering like these. The last one I attended was in 1995 pa ata.


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