The Importance Of Resume Letters

One of my pet peeves when I was working as a division head of a government organization was reading through badly written application and resume letters.  It seems to me that not many people see the importance (or relevance) of a professional but creative cover letter that summarizes their qualification, experience and what they can bring to the company they are applying to. A cover letter should not duplicate what is already written in the resume, instead it should only emphasize significant and job-specific skills or talents that one has to offer.
And watch out for the grammar!  In this day and age of computers, it would do well to double-check what has been written by making use of the spelling and grammar tools, as well as the thesaurus that are available in most programs. The resume itself should contain pertinent information, but don't go overboard by writing down all achievements since pre-school.  I have read resumes that outlines seminars and trainings taken more than ten years ago that by today's standards are no longer relevant. A simple but specific resume will get your foot into the door faster than one that is too cluttered with extraneous information. And remember, a cover letter is the first thing that a Human Resource manager reads...without one, your resume may not even merit a glance. 


  1. professionalor a well written look resume is important to impress the employer/ organization. they will be interested to read it and most probably hire you

  2. this information is very heplful, especially one that comes from someone who has first hand experience on reading resumes. i'm a fresh graduate and this gives me an insight in what not to neglect : a cover letter. :)

  3. This is one of the things that almost everyone overlooks. This is like a flash card. You ought to register into a person's mind your strongest trait as a potential worker. I would agree that technology made this task easier than before.

    Great blog here!

  4. Hi! I'm a new reader of your blog. :)
    Typing job for resume is one of my activities here in our business. I've seen a lot of resume, regardless of not having anything on their paper. Just a little info about themselves so they can pass it, to whoever. And I agree with this, I tried making one for myself and it's a hard for me. I can't think of what should I put. So I always search for the right format, right cover letter whenever I want to find a job online. :)

    I clicked G+ :)

  5. Wow just in time! :) As in. Lol helpful post you got here!

  6. Guilty! During that time I was looking for a job after passing the board it took me 2 months to find one, I keep on recycling cover letters I just change the company name.. Hehe. Sometimes I even use white ink to delete or edit something. Tsk Tsk. I should have read you post 15 years ago.. ;)

  7. Thanks for giving me this information . I can use it when making resume in the future ^__^

  8. Wow! I didnt know that. Maybe i should asked my husband about that since he makes resume for friends as well. Great article!! Xx

  9. great post.. this one's very informative..:)

  10. I agree! Resumes and cover letters should be customized to the job you are applying to.

    The future is video resumes. That should be interesting. hehe

  11. This reminds me, I used to do my uncle's resume. And thinking about doing one for myself is like "What's am I doing this?". Is it really that important that I need to think about the details, designs and etc. Not that I'm up for any job interview or anything like that (because I'm a student). But thanks for sharing its importance!

  12. I once made a brochure-type resume in a colored paper! It sure did got their attention!

    Very informative post!:)

  13. this is very helpful to those who's looking for a job. and yes, I do agree that Resume is a big factor to employers.

  14. Gee, sorry to say but it really gives me a headache when reading a really bad resume.. It's your ticket to a job, so one should make it stand out!


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