My Blog Anniversary

I started this blog which I named "Only for Today" on July 17, 2003, long before blogs became popular, and then after a few posts, I forgot all about it.  Well, I don't know why I started one in the first place but after 4 long years, I remembered it, but that's only because it was a time in my life when I was having another burn-out. Obviously this did not last long because my posts began to dwindle once again and became few and far in between as months went by.

Looking back, I believe the real reason for this neglect was that my work took up 90% of my time, and I had no internet at home then, so that updating the blog was the least of my priorities.  Another factor, was the fact that blogging was something I never really took seriously. It was a past-time, a form of hobby and essentially, a sounding-board for all my frustrations. I never quite understood nor appreciated it's many potentials until much, much later...eight years later in fact.  Yes, it was just last year during a very difficult period in my life, that I discovered the exciting world of bloggers. With time on my hands, I started to spend a lot of time on-line and rekindled my love for writing.  In the process, I met and joined the local blogging community. These experienced bloggers unselfishly shared tips and secrets that I would never have known otherwise. What I learned astounded and motivated me.  Blogging in a way saved me, in more ways than people could imagine.

My new found friends also encouraged me to get my own domain name and so, the website was born on November 25, 2012.  I also decided to rename the blog, Life, Day By Day, not just for better recall, but also because the blog is no longer just about today, but about all things that encompasses my life and the lives of those around me.  In essence, it is a blog that contains the pages of my life.

To all my blogger friends who have become an basic part of my days, thank you for the friendship, I hope we can continue to be together as we travel through this journey called...LIFE.



  1. I started my blog way back as well. Happy anniversary! :)

  2. I probably didn't know what a blog was back in 2003! :) I agree though that writing is cathartic. I notice that the more pressured I get at work, the more I'm inspired to update my blog. But during semestral breaks, I couldn't write, haha!

    Congrats again! Love the new title. Hang tough in there!


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