Human Life Is Beautiful

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Last December 12, I was up until 2 AM listening to the nominal voting of the RH Bill in the House of Representatives. Listening to our representatives both pro and anti-RH Bill, I was appalled by the line of reasoning of some of them. Some of the arguments used by those who voted NO are shallow and self-serving, like our economy is dependent upon OFW remittances and populating the earth with Filipinos. While those proponents of the bill (YES) have convinced themselves that too many Filipinos will be the destruction of our society, that the only way to solve poverty, prevent maternal and child death and espouse women's rights is to promote a contraceptive mentality amongst our people. They have convinced themselves that they are doing this for the Filipino nation, exercising sovereignty and the separation of church and state by not being influenced by religion, yet are willing to be influenced by foreign funding agencies. They seem to have conveniently forgotten the fact that the RH Bill was introduced because the Philippines does not have an enabling law on population control, which is part of the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), the UN and the US (aka USAID).  So what sovereignty are they talking about?  And isn't it that obedience to God comes before obedience to man?  The final count on the second reading was 113 for Yes and 104 for No.  I felt sad and suddenly fearful for the future.

Human life is beautiful. From the moment of conception, every human life is precious and every human life is sacred. Amidst all the rich variety of life on earth, human life is cause for special wonder. We alone can contemplate the beauty around us. We alone can create art and music and literature to express this beauty. We alone can love one another.   And so, it is deplorable that there are people who are against life and seek to redefine, limit and destroy it.  If we were not human upon conception, what were we then?

I cannot understand how government and policy makers can look upon human life as a threat to development.   Is it not humanity who makes development possible?  Family planning (FP) programs introduced in the country since the early 70's failed not because of the absence of an enabling law, not because of the influence of the Catholic Church, not because people are poor.  It failed mainly because of lack of education, poor implementation and lack of access to health services and FP programs.  A new law will not ensure implementation, more so when it is an unjust law.  The government should instead focus on eliminating graft and corruption; provide jobs, low-cost housing, free health care and good education to all Filipinos.  When you have all these in place, you limit if not totally eliminate poverty.   Overpopulation is not the cause of poverty!   And who can predict if the RH Bill's provisions will indeed control the population?  If it fails...then can an abortion amendment be far behind?  Proponents say this will never happen, but once there is an enabling law, it is fact that amendments can be easily made.  Experience worldwide shows that once abortion is legalized, even in limited and extraordinary conditions, it becomes more widespread than was first intended because then, interpretation can become relative. I am truly horrified with the thought. Someone asked me why I am scaring myself  with "future ghosts" when these are not realities yet.  My answer was simple.  With the deterioration of moral values in the world and it seems that now-a-days nothing is objectively right or wrong, who is to say that an amendment to allow abortion will not happen 20, 30, 40 or more years from now?  Do we want to go the way of "developed" countries where human life has been devalued and disrespected?

I feel really sad when babies die due to illness, but what is worst is when babies die due to violence and neglect.  The massacre of little children and teachers in Newtown, Connecticut last December 14 is a senseless tragedy.  It once again brings to mind the question "Why does God allow bad things to happen to the innocent".  While this is hard to explain, my trust in Him and His Divine Wisdom gives me comfort. My heart goes to the families these little angels left behind (I say so, because children who die before their first communion go directly to heaven), may our merciful God give them strength and console them as they grieve for the loss of their loved ones. 

Human life is beautiful...human beings should value each other, help one another, treat each other with respect from the moment of conception to the end of life.  May God have mercy on us all.

approximate age: 12 weeks fetus


  1. I don't want to argue with you. I just want to point out your point as "unjust law". As this bill was filed and now became a law, "brights" know in advance the disadvantages of this to human life. Just like change, when anybody opts to have a change, everyone that is affected opposes.

    Why? Why not give this law a chance to prove its worth? What else can do then if we are not going to support or advocate this population law?

    1. I respect your opinion, Sir Gil and you ask what we can do if we do not support this law. You more than any of us have the ability to influence young lives in your profession as a teacher. I hope you will see this as an opportunity to teach your young students the morality of human sexuality and not just "safe and satisfying sex". I will not support this a public health worker, I know I will be liable but knowing what I know about contraceptives as well as and human dignity and sexuality, I cannot in good conscience adhere to majority of provisions of this law. There are other ways to implement and advocate for reproductive health, and that is what I will do.

  2. About the government issues on RH bill, yes the population is never a hindrance in a country's development. In fact, in early China, they have utilized the population and mobilized the people to work for the development and reconstruction of their country during the time it was devastated. The sense of focus of this gov't is really misleading and dumb. Which development are they trying to target? I personally think its not for the people, because if it was for the people we all should have less problems about social services, housing and wages..

    And about the the massacre of little children and teachers in Newtown, Connecticut is a sad tragedy for the innocent ones, but it also opened the eyes of many. I was really moved how Morgan Freeman reacted on that very tragic event.

  3. Life is indeed beautiful but I guess when it comes to RH bill, I just leave it at that, the government has its responsibility to help the economy via population control and the individual has options to contraception and the church has the responsibility to guide and those are all separate from each other. Of course, abortion should NEVER be tolerated.

  4. I personally find the RH Bill to be helpful.

    Last 2010, there was an increase in percentage of poverty by 2.4% according to Asian Development Bank. We need an alternative on how to deal with Poverty today.

    1. and that alternative according to our funding agencies is....population control. What really bothers me is that the proponents of this law wants to make me believe that it is a REPRODUCTIVE health law. It is not. Reproductive health is more than just contraception and family planning.

      Why not deal with poverty the right way? Provide jobs,just wages, homes, adequate health services, accessible education etc. It is not the number of people that makes us poor.

  5. Hi may I inquire if abortion is mentioned in the RH Bill? Pardon me but the reason RH Bill got ratified is because the citizens know that it is all about education. Life is beautiful indeed most especially if majority are educated and responsible to run it.

    1. Hi Orly! No, there is no mention of abortion in the fact there is no mention of population control either. But the fact that the proponents refused the proposed amendment to include the sentence, "life begins at conception/fertilization" is suspect. Why did they not agree to put this in? That short sentence will at the very least ensure protection for the unborn.

  6. I'm also pro life and I value the gift God has given to us. Kudos for you Doc for posting your faith and your stand.

  7. I agree, human life should not be in any means avoided, prevented and stopped. It is God who wants to multiply human race.

  8. It's not only human life that's beautiful but every creature and everything in the world whether living or non-living is. God is our masterpiece and only he can decide if a child is to be born in the world.

  9. Sorry to be against to your ideals about life regarding the HR Bill, but if we want to preserve life until the very end, should we care or think first what kind of future we will be having in the present. If you get what I mean.

  10. Very well said. The lack of information and education is the missing link in this kind of issue.

  11. Life may be unpredictable but it is indeed beautiful. Full of fond memories and hope. May we all live it to the fullest with God the center of our lives.

  12. I believe in the freedom of choice, because our country is a democratic country. If we chose not to follow then its our choice, after all no one will be imprison by not adhering to this law, because the president already sign it.

  13. I share your sentiments as well as your fears and wonder why everything has to be decided by practicality. I have read some of the unforgettable reasoning of lawmakers both pro and anti-RH and I was actually embarrassed for them.

  14. Yes. I agree. But these people are really stupid for saying that the population of Philippines will destroy it's economy and society. I must say that's the biggest lie they will ever tell to us.

  15. I agree. I just hope our government officials will make better choices and decisions. I just hope they will be enlightened, focus on the bottom line and stop corruption - as I believe is the root cause of all!

  16. With respect, I don't understand what you really are trying to say with this article.

    If you truly believe life to be beautiful, why not support a bill that is AT THE VERY LEAST trying to do something to help with our country's woes? It's not a perfect law, and nothing ever will be, but it's an important first step in what will be our foundation for socially responsible nation-building.

    Your post is also, I can't help but feel, heavily Catholic. So no chance for 'heaven' for Muslim and other children who will not have communion? See - religion cannot be involved in societal discussions because they put things in only one and very narrow perspective. Arguments become "I'm right, you're wrong" because of differences in opinion.

    I'm glad the RH Bill was passed. I'm happy for my children and the country they will inherit. Give the bill a chance to prove its worth.

    1. yes, I am a staunch Catholic and I stand by my Catholic Faith but no, I do not believe that heaven is only for Catholics. God did not make the world only for fact we are not even the chosen people...the Jews are. I am not against reproductive health, in fact my stand against contraception is not absolute. But I am against the RH Law. If you want to know why check out my posts on my other blogs. Of course, I will not impose an "I'm right, you're wrong" stand on people...everyone has a right to an opinion. However, I will agree to disagree :)

  17. Honestly I don't know what's in RH Law. But I believe that to educate the people regarding safe sex especially the poor is very important. I hope they will also be enlightened that lives are dependent on them. They know they are poor and so they should be responsible with what they are doing.

  18. Life is the greatest gift from God. However, we must take good care of it. Regardless of any laws there is, it is still us to decides for ourselves.


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