Remembering Jesse
Today, August 18 is the first death anniversary of Secretary Jesus "Jesse" Manalastas Robredo, one of the Philippines' promising leaders. A few days after that fatal accident last year, I wrote about how the death of a good leader can set a country back, especially when that leader is someone like Jesse. There are only a few good men in politics today, the type that can lead, manage and carry out good governance. We just had elections last May and once again, the results were a big disappointment to people like me who had hoped that there would be new faces in the Senate, Congress and local government who would bring about dynamic changes for the country.

Instead, we have the likes of Janet Napoles and her cohorts in government who see nothing wrong in, wait let's call a spade, a spade, STEALING from the Filipino people! Money that is much needed and would have gone a long way in the country's development and poverty alleviation. Now that Napoles disappeared and it seems that nobody can find her, I'm afraid that we will never learn the truth about this greed and evil-doing. What is happening to our leaders? When Sec. Jesse died, everyone was talking how he should be emulated by aspiring politicians and leaders in government. Then when elections came, except for a very few, the winners were still the same traditional politicians who have run and plundered this country into the ground. The political landscape did not change. But the most ironic part is that Filipinos expected change! How can change happen when our leaders remain the same...
I bet Jesse must be turning in his grave...
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