Retirement Story: Realizations, A Year And Seven Months After

After retirement in April 2021, I heartily said...It is ME time, but a year & seven months after...NOPE, not really.

When I ended my time spent on all the bureaucratic maze of government service, I thought...this is it, finally Freedom. But you know what, all that is an illusion because I just got home. With what, one might ask...with everything...EVERY LITTLE and BIG THING. All of a sudden, I was at home everyday, available within sight any time, with no clear schedule for my day. This is the first time in 60 years that this (I am home the whole day & night) happened. I started school at age 6, and I began working right off college, until mandatory retirement. Unlike my Mom who both managed work, home, and children, I was all work and play. When she passed in 2019, I was still out at work the whole day, and although now I had to run the household, work was still the priority. Looking back these last 19 months of being at home almost 24/7, I am at awe at how my mother managed everything, how she was able to balance her life in spite of all the challenges and trials she faced in all aspects along the way. What was her superpower?

Well, I suppose most mothers have some kind of superpower one way or another. I only know that my mother is a hard act to follow. Having all these time in my hands makes me often think what would Mommie say or do when I hit roadblocks or family issues that need quick resolution. There are several things about me that I realized after being housebound. I am sure there is so much more, if you ask my family or the people around me. But first, these:

One, I like to put some order and system in my life.

Two, I find solace in solitude. I have learned how to isolate myself from life's toxicity.

Three, Time management is important to get things done on time. First things, first is now my motto.

Four, I have developed a bad habit: procrastination. But then, what is not essential, can wait.

Five, I still nag but, now in a gentler way.

Six, I have become more accepting and tolerant and forgiving.

Seven, I am now more mindful and prayerful.

Eight, my family is my life, everything except God, comes second.

Nine, Our happiness is never dependent on things and other people.

Ten, I have become a lot like my mother (& my father, but to a lesser extent).

PS. To all my friends who stay & work at home, Bravo!



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