New Year, New Hope
What is it about a new year that makes people so optimistic? After all, it's just the next day after the 31st of December, it is just another day. January 1 does not really change anything, but the fact that it is the start of a new year gives people a change in perspective, at least for a while and the cycle goes on and on since every new year is like having second chances. It's a fool's belief. Having said this, I realized that unlike most people, I celebrate the new year because it's a tradition and not because it is important to me. I have no expectations because basically my life just goes on, nothing really changes. I am talking here about my life in general, the day to day kind of living and interacting with people. But the many oppressions, sadness, disasters and life challenges of 2011 gave this New Year a new meaning for me. It gave me HOPE. And indeed these first 10 days of 2012 have already shown me that indeed life would be better this y...